About Me

My name is Amanda Fry.  Welcome to my art and photography page.  I have loved art ever since I can remember.  In second grade, we were asked to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up.  I drew myself as an artist- and I was right.  I have a bachelors and a masters degree in art education and I am currently finishing up my Ph.D. in art education.  I teach art at Clinton Prairie Elementary and Junior/Senior High School.  I am passionate about art and feel it is part of the fiber of my being.  I recently saw a poster that sums it up nicely- "The earth without art is just 'eh."

I LOVE the visual arts- painting, drawing, printmaking, mosaics- the list goes on and on.  I've always loved photography too.  My first camera was a Mickey Matic with 110 film and the flash bulbs that sat on top.  : )  I picked up photography again recently because I have greatly missed making artwork in graduate school.  I also wanted to be able to take great pictures of my little guy, born in the summer of 2010.  Although I have had photography classes (many moons ago when I developed my own film in a dark room)-   I rely on my art training in other areas to inform my photography.  I am constantly striving to make my work better.

This is my and my little guy, Graham, my inspiration for picking up photography again.