Monday, October 22, 2012

Waggoner Family

You may recognize this group- I photographed them last fall as well.  The Waggoner kiddos always give me a run for my money- but I have my tricks to make them smile.  :)

Rosebraugh Family

 I love the Rosebraugh family- such a fun group.  It was super cold for their session but they didn't complain once.  Good looking group, aren't they?!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Riordan is 9 months

Here is one shot from Riordan's 9 month session.  I can't believe how fast time is flying by!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Luke- 1 year

 Sweet Luke recently had his 1 year session.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE the photo of him below and I was so glad his mommy got a big canvas of it for their home.  :)

Charlotte- 9 months

 Pics from Charlotte's 9 month session at her family's farm.  Such a cutie.  I think this little girl is ADORABLE!

Amber's Senior Pics

 I've been a bad blogger so I decided to catch up and post some client sessions from the last few months.  These pictures are from part one of Amber's senior session.  We will be shooting more photos in a little over a week to take advantage of the fall colors.  She is such a gorgeous girl inside and out and it shines through in all of her pictures.